Locomotion System Unity study
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- 로코모션 프로퍼티 활용의 이해
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- 오토데스크 모션빌더 2011 에 탑재 되어 있는 HUman IK와 비교.
Locomotion System
Grounding your walking and running animations, in any direction, on any terrain.
By Rune Skovbo Johansen
In collaboration with Unity Technologies ApS
The Locomotion System for Unity automatically blends your keyframed or motion-captured walk and run cycles and then adjusts the movements of the bones in the legs to ensure that the feet step correctly on the ground. The system can adjust animations made for a specific speed and direction on a plain surface to any speed, direction, and curvature, on any surface, including arbitrary steps and slopes.
The Locomotion System can be used with characters with a skinned skeleton and some animations. The character must have at least one leg, and each leg must have at least two segments. The character must also have at least one idle animation (it can be just one frame) and at least one walk or run cycle animation.
The Locomotion System does not enforce any high level control scheme but rather lets you move your character around by any means you desire. The Locomotion System silently observes the position, alignment, velocity and rotational velocity of your character and deduces everything from that, along with some raycasts onto the ground.
This flexibility means that you can use a Character Controller, a Rigid Body, or something else entirely to move your character around in the world, exactly as you would normally do.
The Locomotion System is not: !
For the Locomotion System to work, you only need the files in the folder Assets > Locomotion System. All other files are not directly part of the Locomotion System and do not have to be included in your project. However, the Quick Start Guide below uses additional files from the project folder.중요.정의
- A physics-based system or active animated ragdoll system.
The system has no integration with the physics simulation. It is purely kinematic, though it does base the kinematics on some raycasts onto the geometry of the ground.- A behavior-based system.
The system cannot make the character react instinctively to external forces such as being punched, tripping and falling, or being shot. The system only blends and slightly adjusts your existing animations.- A unified system that can be used for all animation of a character.
The system only controls the legs. (The whole body is typically implicitly controlled since the system blends together multiple full body animations. However, this can be overridden by the user with specific animations for the upper body, using the usual means available in Unity.)
This document contains the following sections:
- Quick Start Guide
- Additional Features
- Terms of Use
This Quick Start Guide contain the following parts:
- The Basic Scene Setup
Here we set up a scene for the character. We also add the character and some scripts to let us move him around with the arrow keys (or a gamepad). - Setting Up The Locomotion System
Now we set up the Locomotion System and actually get it to work. - Adding Running
We add a run cycle animation to the Locomotion System so that the character can both walk and run. - Using More Animations
Here we add animations for strafing left and right and going backwards, to enhance realism.
For this Quick Start Guide it is assumed that you use the included Hero character.
- Place the Hero model in the scene. The hero model is located at Assets > Characters > Hero Artwork > Hero. Set the position to (0, 0, 0) and keep the scale at (1, 1, 1).
- Place a floor with a collider under your character. You can use the menu GameObject > Create Other > Cube. Adjust the position and scale to make a nice floor. Also create a light.
- Add a Character Controller component to the character to handle collisions. Adjust the values to fit.
- Add a Normal Character Motor script (located at Assets > Character Controller Scripts > NormalCharacterMotor) to the character to handle movements.
- Add a Platform Character Controller script (located at Assets > Character Controller Scripts > PlatformCharacterController) to the character to handle input.
- Make sure that the Character Controller fits the character such that the feet are neither intersecting the floor, nor hovering over it. Test it in Play mode.
- Press the Play button. You should now be able to use the arrow keys to move the Hero character around, though he isn't properly animated yet.
Let's begin to setup the Locomotion System.
- Check that the menu bar in Unity includes the menu Custom > Locomotion Initialization but don't use it yet. You will need this menu later. If this menu is not present, there is something wrong. The menu should be generated by the script LocomotionEditorClass.cs in the folder Assets > Locomotion System > Editor.
- To begin with, the character should just have an Animation component (if your character doesn't have one, there is something wrong). Uncheck the option Play Automatically.
- Add a Leg Controller script component to the character (located at Assets > Locomotion System > LegController). It must be on the same game object that has the Animation component.
- Set the Ground Plane Height on the Leg Controller component. A green gizmo cross should appear at the level of the character's feet. For the Hero character the ground plane height is 0.
- Drag the character's idle animation onto the variable called Grounded Pose. A quick way to get to the animations in the Project pane is to click on the animation clip in the Animation variable of the Animation component. For the Hero character the idle animation is called Idle.
- Leave the Root Bone variable empty.
- Expand the Legs array on the Leg Controller component. This array should hold all the legs but for now just set the length to 1.
Expand Element 0 in the Legs array do the following:- Find the hip bone (upper leg bone) in the skeleton hierarchy of the character for the given leg and drag it to the variable called Hip. For the Hero character it is Hero > Reference > Hips > LeftUpLeg (for the left leg).
- Find the ankle bone (foot bone) and drag it to the variable called Ankle. For the Hero character it is Hero > Reference > Hips > LeftUpLeg > LeftLeg > LeftFoot (for the left leg).
Note that the Ankle variable should really hold whatever bone controls the rotation of the foot. For humans that will be the ankle, but for some animals the ankle is placed quite high up on the leg, and the bone directly controlling the foot (or paw or hoof) should be used instead. - If the character has a toe bone (or even toe tip bone) then drag it onto the Toe variable. Otherwise just use the lowest available bone in the leg and drag it onto the Toe variable, even if it is just the ankle bone (foot bone) again.
- Set the Foot Width, Foot Length, and Foot Offset (X, Y). A green gizmo rectangle should be drawn around the foot which you can use to verify that the dimensions and offset are correct. Again those measurements are in units prior to scaling.
When satisfied with the first leg, set the length of the Legs array to the number of legs that your character has (2 for the Hero character). The remaining legs have now copied the data from the first leg, so you may not have to set the Foot Width, Foot Length, and Foot Offset if the other feet are similar to the first one.- You must still set the correct Hip, Ankle and Toe transforms for each leg though. Do it the same way you did it for the first leg.
- Expand the Source Animations array on the Leg Controller component.
- All walking and running animations.
- All animations where the character is standing on the ground.
- Not animations where the character is jumping or otherwise airborn.
- Not animations only applied to the upper body (so they don't affect the legs).
If you are using the Hero character in this Quick Start Guide, proceed as follow:
Set the length of the Source Animations array to 1.- Expand Element 0 and drag the animation clip called Idle1 onto the Animation variable of the element.
- Set Motion Type to Grounded and write "locomotion" in the Motion Group field.
Set the length of the Source Animations array to 2.- Expand Element 1 and drag the animation clip called WalkForward onto the Animation variable of the element.
- Set Motion Type to WalkCycle. The Motion Group should be "locomotion" again.
- Enable Also Use Backwards.
- Add a Leg Animator script component to the character (located at Assets > Locomotion System > LegAnimator).
- Set the Layer of the character to Player. This is not required by the system, but you need to make sure in any case that the variable Ground Layers in the Leg Animator component does not include the character itself. This is so that the raycasts used by the Locomotion System don't hit the collider of the character itself.
- Select your character in the Hierarchy view and use the menu Custom > Locomotion Initialization.
- Press the Play button. Use the arrow keys to move the Hero character around.
If you want to be able to let the character not only walk forward but also for example strafe sideways or walk backwards, you can add an Aim Look Character Controller script (located at Assets > Character Controller Scripts > AimLookCharacterController). Note again that this is not part of the Locomotion System itself, and you can also control the walking direction in your own scripts simply by controlling the movement and rotation of the character. The Aim Look Character Controller requires that you define two new axes called Horizontal2 and Vertical2 in the input settings. Use the menu Edit > Project Settings > Input. You can for example let the old axes be controlled by the arrow keys only and new axes be controlled by A, D and S, W.
Adding Running
We currently have the character walking around using just one idle animation and one walk cycle animation. The walk doesn't look completely realistic. This is (mostly) because the character actually moves around faster that what would be the native speed that matches the walk cycle we use.
- In the Leg Controller component, expand the Source Animations array and expand Element 1 (the one with the WalkForward animation). Notice that the element has a read-only variable called Native Speed.
The Native Speed is around 0.7 for the WalkForward animation of the Hero character. This means that it must move around with a speed of 0.7 to match the animation perfectly.
- In the Normal Character Motor script component set the Max Forward Speed to 0.7, and the same for the other speeds.
- Press the Play button. The movements now look much more realistic, but they're also very slow!
- Let's get the character moving faster! Increase the length of the Source Animations array in the Leg Controller component by one.
Expand the new element and drag the animation clip called RunForward onto the Animation variable of the element.- The other settings, copied from the previous element, should stay as they are.
- Select your character in the Hierarchy view and use the menu Custom > Locomotion Initialization.
- Look at the Native Speed of the RunForward animation and set the speeds of the Normal Character Motor component to that value.
- Press the Play button. The character can now run. (Well it's not really a proper run but that's because the animation is like that. At least it's faster than the walk.)
If a gamepad is used, such as an XBox 360 controller, the speed of walking/running can be controlled with the analog stick. If only a keyboard is available, slower walking can be achieved by pressing shift. This is a function of the Platform Character Controller script that was added to the character to handle input. Since the native speed of the WalkForward animation is about 25% of the native speed of the RunForward animation, try to set the Walk Multiplier value of the Platform Character Controller to 0.25.
Using More Animations
So far we have gotten by with just three animations. To make the movements look more realistic when walking and running sideways and backwards, you can add some more animations when available. (You can skip this section if you want.)
- In the Source Animations array in the Leg Controller component, disable the Also Use Backwards option for the WalkForward and RunForward animations.
- Set the length of the Source Animations array to 9.
Expand the new elements and drag the following animation clips to Element 3 - 8 (the order doesn't matter):- WalkBackward
- RunBackward
- WalkStrafeLeft
- RunStrafeLeft
- WalkStrafeRight
- RunStrafeRight
- Select your character in the Hierarchy view and use the menu Custom > Locomotion Initialization. Then press Play.
The system generally takes care of automatically blending the right animations with the right weights. When no backwards animations are available, the Also Use Backwards option should generally always be enabled for the forward animations, even if the character is never intended to walk backwards. The system will then use the forward animation played backwards as if it was an extra animation and this improves the blending for all directions. A strafe left animation can also double as a strafe right when Also Use Backwards is enabled etc.
This concludes the Quick Start Guide. The next section is not written as a tutorial but goes in details with additional features of the Locomotion System that are useful for integrating the system in your game and improving the realism further.
Additional Features
This section contain the following parts:
- Blending and Cross Fading
This part is about how to interface with the Locomotion System from your own scripts. An example script is described which can be used to control waiting and jumping animations. - Leaning
Enhance the realism further by making characters lean when walking on steep surfaces and when accelerating. - Ground Hugging for Non-Bipeds
Creatures with more than two legs support their weight differently than humans and other bipeds. The Locomotion System has two simple settings to handle that.
So far the Locomotion System has been in control all of the time for just walking and running. In this section we will take a closer look at how to blend and cross fade between different animations so that the character can do more than just standing, walking, and running.
The Locomotion System uses a concept of motion groups. A motion group is a group of animations that can be controlled as a whole. A motion group can have one or more animations of type Walk Cycle and optionally one animation of type Grounded. A motion group should not contain two animations with the same velocity. This is also why they should have at most one grounded animation, since grounded animations always have zero velocity.
Motion groups can be used to specify groups of animations with the same style. For example, you might have one group including a normal idle, walk, and run animation, and another group including a sneaky idle and walk animation. It can then be controlled from scripts which motion group is in effect, while the weights of the individual animations within motions groups are controlled automatically by the Locomotion System.
In the previous sections we set up all the animations in the Locomotion System with the motion group name "locomotion". The Locomotion System arranges all animations with the same motion group names into groups, so in our case we have a single motion group called "locomotion". The name "locomotion" is just an example. It can be any name.
In your own scripts the Locomotion System can be blended in and out by using a motion group name as an animation name, for example:
This will fade the Locomotion System in over half a second. It will also automatically be faded out if other animations are cross faded in, just the same way as it works with other animations. You can also set the weight directly the same way as for other animations:
animation["locomotion"].weight = 0.8f;
Blending, crossfading, and weights generally work the same as for other animations. However, the Locomotion System is not compatible with the functions CrossFadeQueued and PlayQueued. Those functions can still be used on animations that only affect the upper body, but they should not be used with animations controlled by the Locomotion System. Also note that the individual animations in a motion group should not be handled manually; the Locomotion System will take care of those exclusively.
Animations that are not in motion groups come in two flavors: Those that are handled by the Locomotion System and those that are not.
- To add an animation to the Locomotion System that should not be in a motion group, just add it to the Source Animations array but leave the Motion Group string empty. You can now set the weight of that animation the same way you would normally do, and the feet will be standing correctly on the ground.
- To use an animation that is not handled by the Locomotion System (i.e. that are not in the Source Animations array), simply use it the same way you normally would. When such animations are used, the effects of the locomotion system are blended down so that the legs are no longer adjusted to stand on the ground. This is useful for example for jumping animations.
Increase the length of the Source Animations array in the Leg Controller component by one.- Drag the animation clip Idle2 to the new element.
- Set Motion Type to Grounded and leave the Motion Group field blank.
Add a Jump And Idle script component to the character Assets > Character Controller Scripts > JumpAndIdle.- Drag the animation clip AimIdle to the variable called Jumping Animation.
- Drag the animation clip Idle1 to the variable called Idle Animation.
- Drag the animation clip Idle2 to the variable called Waiting Animation.
- Select your character in the Hierarchy view and use the menu Custom > Locomotion Initialization. Then press Play.
When accelerating, a character will often lean in order to avoid falling over. This includes leaning slightly forward when transitioning from standing to walking, or leaning sideways when running in a sharp curve.
The Locomotion System does not support using specific animations for accelerating. However, the Locomotion System has settings to enable procedural leaning based on acceleration.
- In the Leg Animator component, the settings Accelerate Tilt Amount and Accelerate Tilt Sensitivity control the leaning based on acceleration. The tilt amount is a simple multiplier; the default value is 0.02 but it has no effect if the sensitivity is zero. The tilt sensitivity is sensitive to speed. A high value will make the character lean maximally even at low speeds while lower values will only lean the character when there is significant speed. A good starting point for the value is 10 divided by the maximum speed the character will be moving with.
- In the Leg Animator component, the settings Climb Tilt Amount and Climb Tilt Sensitivity control the leaning based on acceleration. The tilt amount is a simple multiplier; the default value is 0.5 but it has no effect if the sensitivity is zero. The climb tilt sensitivity is sensitive to speed just like the acceleration tilt sensitivity described above.
Creatures with more than two legs support their weight differently than humans and other bipeds. Typically the creature aligns its body along the ground. The Locomotion System has two simple settings to handle that. In the Leg Animator component, the settings Ground Hug X and Ground Hug Z aligns the local X and Z axis of the body with the ground, respectively. For both of them, a value of 0 means no alignment while 1 means full alignment. Typically either 0 or 1 is used for each axis, but values in between can be used too.
- Humans, birds, and other creatures with two legs typically should have Ground Hug X: 0 and Ground Hug Z: 0. This means that the body is not rotated with the ground.
- Dogs, cats, horses, and other creatures with four legs should typically use Ground Hug X: 0 and Ground Hug Z: 1. This mean that the front-to-back (for example head-to-tail) axis of the creature is aligned with the ground, while the sideways axis is left untouched. (This assumes that the creature is aligned along its local Z axis.)
- Spiders, bugs, crabs, and other creatures that are either rather flat or has almost no weight should use Ground Hug X: 1 and Ground Hug Z: 1. This aligns the body completely with the ground in both axes.
Terms of Use
Locomotion System
Locomotion System copyright (c) 2008, Rune Skovbo Johansen & Unity Technologies ApS
The Locomotion System may be used under the terms of the Tutorial Assets License Agreement written below. This covers all the source code (scripts) in the Locomotion System package, as well as all other assets, except for the Coyote model, which is covered by a different license (see further down).
Unity Technologies ApS has created a package of tutorial assets (3D models, textures, scripts and sounds) to be used within the Unity technology and development environment. Unity Technologies ApS will provide the tutorial assets for you free of charge, but the terms of use will be limited as described in this document.
Unity Technologies ApS must have your agreement to the following:
- You are free to use or modify the tutorial assets as long as you use them only for projects or applications developed with the Unity technology and development environment.
- You are free to release your application containing tutorial assets or parts thereof to the public, or to sell your application to a 3rd party, as long as the public or 3rd party cannot extract any parts of the tutorial assets from the application.
- You are not required to credit Unity Technologies ApS as the creator of any tutorial assets you may choose to include in your application.
- You are not allowed to use the tutorial assets or any parts thereof in non-Unity tools or development environments. You are not allowed to use tutorial assets or part thereof in applications developed without the use of Unity.
The agreements herein shall remain in place from the date you gain access to the tutorial assets; however such agreements will not pertain to any tutorial assets or part thereof to the extent such assets:- are or subsequently become public without fault on your part.
- are or subsequently becomes lawfully known to you other than as result of a disclosure by Unity Technologies ApS, or a breach of confidentiality by another party.
- are approved in writing by Unity Technologies ApS for release.
- are disclosed by operation of law, regulation or court order.
- You hereby acknowledges and agree that any unauthorized disclosure or use of the tutorial assets will cause Unity Technologies ApS to suffer severe and continuing financial losses, and accordingly, you agree to compensate Unity Technologies ApS for such losses in the event these are caused by you breaching any of its convents or agreements contained herein. You further acknowledges that the payment of compensation pursuant to the preceding sentence will not in any way preclude Unity Technologies ApS from obtaining any other lawful remedy for such breaches
- This agreement shall be constructed in accordance with the laws of Denmark. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any suit or proceeding for any claims brought against Unity Technologies ApS with regard to this agreement shall be in the Danish District Court for the eastern District of Denmark. Jurisdiction and venue in any suit or proceeding to be brought by Unity Technologies ApS for any claims arising out of this agreement may be in a forum of competent jurisdiction to be determined by Unity Technologies ApS in its sole and complete discretion. The parties hereby unconditionally agree to the above jurisdiction of this agreement.
- The official language of this agreement shall be English.
The coyote model, including mesh, textures, and animations, is provided courtesy of WolfQuest.org. The coyote model may be used according to the terms in the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/). Follow the link for full details on the license.
Credit for the coyote model should be attributed as follows:
Coyote model courtesy of WolfQuest.org
A summary of the license follows:
Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License
You are free:
- to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
- to Remix - to adapt the work
- Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
- Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
- For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to the web page http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/.
- Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
- Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
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