(Ref) Pixar's OpenSubdiv Presentation at Autodesk ADN Conference
At Siggraph 2012, Pixar released its subdivision surface algorithm as an open-source library named “OpenSubdiv.” I would say that we will start seeing the algorithm in 3D packages next year. Luxology’s modo 501 and higher already contains the Pixar Catmull-Clark SubD algorithm through a technology license. However, now that’s it open-source, we’ll be seeing additional applications adopt the algorithm. This means that we could be looking at a streamlined standard for subdivision surfaces throughout 3D applications. This is a big win for everyone.
This video shows a presentation from Pixar given at the Autodesk ADN Conference. The Maya Viewport 2.0 plugin looks fantastic and shows the amazing possibilities of OpenSubdiv. Check it out!
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