Matcap Rim Lighting for 3ds max viewport shading.
This shader support for 3dsmax direcX driver and opengl view port with Nitro view port driver DX9 only.
//////////////////////////--Based Shader--///////////////////////////// // Shader by Charles Hollemeersch /// // Edited: 12/13/2009 - Leonardo Covarrubias - For use in Maya /// // Public domain. /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////--AddOn Shader--///////////////////////////// // Shader by JP.Lee //////////////////// // Edited: 03/05/2014 - Lee JungPyo - For use in 3D studio max /// // Thanks Charles Hollemeersch with Leonardo Covarrubias /// //////////////////////////--Customized Author by Leegoonz--//////////// string ParamID = "0x003"; //////////////////////// // Matrices //////////////////////// float4x4 WorldView : WORLDVIEW; float4x4 WorldViewProjection : WORLDVIEWPROJ; //////////////////////// // User interface //////////////////////// float BumpHeight < string UIName = "Bumpmap Strength"; string UIWidget = "slider"; float UIMin = 0.1; float UIMax = 3.0; float UIStep = 0.01; > = 1.0; float Alpha < string UIName = "Global Opacity"; string UIWidget = "slider"; float UIMin = 0.0; float UIMax = 1.0; float UIStep = 0.01; > = 1.0; bool flipGreen < string UIName = "Invert Normal Map Green Channel?"; > = false; texture diffuseMap : Diffuse < string UIName = "Diffuse Map"; string ResourceName = ""; string ResourceType = "2D"; >; texture normalMap : Normal < string UIName = "Normal Map"; string ResourceName = ""; string ResourceType = "2D"; >; texture litSphereMap : LitSphere < string UIName = "LitSphere Map"; string ResourceName = "./matball01.jpg"; string ResourceType = "2D"; >; texture litSphereRim : LitSphere < string UIName = "Rim Map"; string ResourceName = "./matball01.jpg"; string ResourceType = "2D"; >; float matCapStrengthUI< string UIName = "LightCap Power"; string UIWidget = "slider"; float UIMin = 0.1; float UIMax = 5.0; float UIStep = 0.01; > = 1.0; float LightCapRimStrengthUI< string UIName = "Rim Power"; string UIWidget = "slider"; float UIMin = 0.1; float UIMax = 3.0; float UIStep = 0.01; > = 1.0; float4 RimColor : COLOR < string UIName = "Rim Color"; string UIWidget = "none"; > = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f , 1.0f}; float contrastMatRimPower< string UIName = "LightCap Contrast"; string UIWidget = "slider"; float UIMin = -3.0; float UIMax = 3.0; float UIStep = 0.01; > = 0.25; //////////////////////// // Samplers //////////////////////// sampler DiffuseSampler = sampler_state { Texture =; MIPFILTER = LINEAR; MINFILTER = LINEAR; MAGFILTER = LINEAR; AddressU = WRAP; AddressV = WRAP; SRGBTexture = FALSE; }; sampler NormalSampler = sampler_state { Texture = ; MIPFILTER = LINEAR; MINFILTER = LINEAR; MAGFILTER = LINEAR; AddressU = WRAP; AddressV = WRAP; }; sampler LightSampler = sampler_state { Texture = ; MIPFILTER = LINEAR; MINFILTER = LINEAR; MAGFILTER = LINEAR; AddressU = CLAMP; AddressV = CLAMP; //SRGBTexture = FALSE; }; sampler LitSphereRimSampler = sampler_state { Texture = ; MIPFILTER = LINEAR; MINFILTER = LINEAR; MAGFILTER = LINEAR; AddressU = CLAMP; AddressV = CLAMP; }; //////////////////////// // Exchange structs //////////////////////// struct a2v { float4 Position : POSITION; float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; float3 Tangent : TANGENT; float3 Binormal : BINORMAL; float3 Normal : NORMAL; }; struct v2f { float4 Position : POSITION; float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; float3 TexCoord1 : TEXCOORD1; float3 TexCoord2 : TEXCOORD2; float3 TexCoord3 : TEXCOORD3; }; //////////////////////// // Vertex shader //////////////////////// v2f BumpReflectVS(a2v IN) { v2f OUT; // Pos to NDC OUT.Position = mul(float4(,1), WorldViewProjection); // Texcoords (for normal map) OUT.TexCoord.xy = IN.TexCoord; // Tangent space vectors float3 vtan = IN.Tangent; float3 vbinorm = IN.Binormal; float3 vnorm = IN.Normal; = mul(vtan,WorldView); = mul(vbinorm,WorldView); = mul(vnorm,WorldView); return OUT; } //////////////////////// // Pixel shader //////////////////////// float4 BumpReflectPS(v2f IN) : COLOR { float4 outColor; //float4 diffuseTex = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, IN.TexCoord.xy); //float4 diffuseTex = pow(tex2D(DiffuseSampler, IN.TexCoord.xy), 2.2); float4 diffuseTex = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, IN.TexCoord.xy); //diffuseTex = diffuseTex * diffuseTex;
//float3 texNormal = tex2D(NormalSampler, IN.TexCoord.xy).xyz; float3 texNormal = tex2D(NormalSampler, IN.TexCoord.xy).xyz; if(flipGreen)texNormal.g = 1-texNormal.g; texNormal.rgb = texNormal.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0; // Fixes normals if no normal map texture is supplied if ( dot(texNormal,texNormal) > 2.0 ) { texNormal = float4(0,0,1,1); } // The normalizes can probably go away... but meh... //float3 T = pow((normalize( * BumpHeight) , BumpHeight); float3 T = normalize( * BumpHeight; //float3 B = pow((normalize( * BumpHeight) , BumpHeight); float3 B = normalize( * BumpHeight; float3 N = normalize(; // Put in world space and renormalize (after scaling) float3 worldNorm = normalize(N + texNormal.y * T + texNormal.x * B); // Swap it around a bit... worldNorm.y = - worldNorm.y; float4 matCap; //matCap = pow(tex2D(LightSampler, worldNorm.xy * 0.5 + 0.5) , 2.2); matCap = tex2D(LightSampler, worldNorm.xy * 0.5 + 0.5); matCap = pow(matCap, 2.2); //matCap = matCap * matCap; float4 LightCapRimTex; LightCapRimTex = tex2D(LitSphereRimSampler, worldNorm.xy * 0.5 + 0.5); LightCapRimTex *= RimColor; float matCapStrength; matCapStrength = matCapStrengthUI; float LightCapRimStrength; LightCapRimStrength = LightCapRimStrengthUI; //outColor = (((matCap * 2.0 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5 * matCapStrength) + (LightCapRimTex * LightCapRimStrengthUI)) * diffuseTex; float contrastMatRim; contrastMatRim = contrastMatRimPower; //outColor = ((pow(matCap, 1 / 2.2) * 0.5 + contrastMatRim * matCapStrength) + (LightCapRimTex * LightCapRimStrengthUI)) * pow(diffuseTex, 1 / 2.2); //outColor = (pow(diffuseTex, 1 / 2.2)) * (matCap * 0.5 + contrastMatRim * matCapStrength) + (LightCapRimTex * LightCapRimStrengthUI); //outColor = (pow(diffuseTex, 1 / 2.2)) * (matCap * matCapStrength + contrastMatRim) + (LightCapRimTex * LightCapRimStrengthUI); outColor = diffuseTex * (matCap * matCapStrength + contrastMatRim) + (LightCapRimTex * LightCapRimStrengthUI); //outColor = sqrt(outColor); outColor = pow(outColor , 0.45454545); matCap.a *= Alpha; outColor.a = matCap.a; return outColor; } //////////////////////// // Pixel shader //////////////////////// technique Matballz_AddOn_JPLee < string Script = "Pass=p0;"; > /*not sure what these annotations do just copy pasted them from somewhere... */ { pass p0 < string Script = "Draw=geometry;"; > { SRGBWRITEENABLE = FALSE; VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 BumpReflectVS(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 BumpReflectPS(); } }diffuseTex = pow(diffuseTex , 2.2);
Input gamma correction formula ::
pow(x , 2.2) = X ^ 2.2
X ^ 2.2 를 풀어 쓰면
이걸 데카르트 좌표계로 보면.
return gamma correction formula ::
pow(x , 1/2.2) = X ^ 0.45454545
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