[Discussion/Request] PBR sRGB diffuse gamma workflow.
First currently substance sRGB diffuse option it has some bugs about display.
That case has randomly output bad result from diffuse texture or normal bump has some gone from 3d view.
Today is too much confuse about PBR shader with sRGB diffuse option in substance pbr shader color space option because I has been not utilized PBR shader for my own project.
Also ... too much researching about color space and thinking about formula for translate sRGB to Linear with Linear to sRGB and then that is some easy to use just simply power function(POW) right?
For example ... I has written to MatcapRim shader code that is you can see at blow link.
Pseudo code
//sRGB to Linear
float4 diffuse = tex2D(diffSampler,in.uv);
diffuse = pow(diffuse,2.2);
//Linear to sRGB
float4 returnColor = diffuse;
returnColor = pow(returnColor , 0.4545);External discussion gamma correction formula.
Public Qustion.
Can anybody please explaining about Substance designer gamma correction with some more kind of theory in substance designer gamma method?
Test result at blow pictures.
This pic is 3dsmax viewport with Enabled gamma collection with value is "2.2".
This pic is just check override gamma 1.0 in 3dsmax.
This pic is change value 1.0 for gamma test.
This pic is just change to false sRGB diffuse option in PBR shader option. Color is gone that not match result is that right?
Some test translate color space via simply instance filter or pre change input image
gamma from photoshop expose and gamma adjustment filter.
So I thing gamma correcting theory that is for mid tone color range right?
And I try to more time that I wish to made for conversion function by use math . pow!
But this time I use just level filter and mid point luminance level value to change.
1. sRGB conversion (linear with power of 2.2) you just need to change the mid point value of you level point. Use a value of 0.575.
2. linear conversion (sRGB with a power of 0.4545), also change the mid point value. use a value of 0.425.Perheps... My test is not collect... I just wanna know this working process.I waiting for your help to more good articles for PBR with colorspace correction.
Game Developer Leegoon copyright all right reserved since 2010.
That case has randomly output bad result from diffuse texture or normal bump has some gone from 3d view.
Today is too much confuse about PBR shader with sRGB diffuse option in substance pbr shader color space option because I has been not utilized PBR shader for my own project.
Also ... too much researching about color space and thinking about formula for translate sRGB to Linear with Linear to sRGB and then that is some easy to use just simply power function(POW) right?
For example ... I has written to MatcapRim shader code that is you can see at blow link.
Pseudo code
//sRGB to Linear
float4 diffuse = tex2D(diffSampler,in.uv);
diffuse = pow(diffuse,2.2);
//Linear to sRGB
float4 returnColor = diffuse;
returnColor = pow(returnColor , 0.4545);External discussion gamma correction formula.
Public Qustion.
Can anybody please explaining about Substance designer gamma correction with some more kind of theory in substance designer gamma method?
Test result at blow pictures.
Some test translate color space via simply instance filter or pre change input image
gamma from photoshop expose and gamma adjustment filter.
So I thing gamma correcting theory that is for mid tone color range right?
And I try to more time that I wish to made for conversion function by use math . pow!
But this time I use just level filter and mid point luminance level value to change.
1. sRGB conversion (linear with power of 2.2) you just need to change the mid point value of you level point. Use a value of 0.575.
2. linear conversion (sRGB with a power of 0.4545), also change the mid point value. use a value of 0.425.Perheps... My test is not collect... I just wanna know this working process.I waiting for your help to more good articles for PBR with colorspace correction.
Game Developer Leegoon copyright all right reserved since 2010.
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